
     Welcome to my adventures in home improvement, household/craft projects and cooking.  Over the past few years, I’ve taken an interest preparing homemade items that are less expensive, often healthier and fun to create.  I started scouring the internet looking for tips and guides on all manner of topics.  Rather than littering the house and computer with all manner of notebooks, bookmarks and documents, I’ve decided to compile all the designs, notes, recipes, successes and failures here at “Doin’ Sh*t With Pat”

     I was really in to punk music and the D.I.Y. thing growing up and started looking for ways to apply those attitudes in our house.  I tend to get very enthusiastic about new recipes, projects or a different way to re-plumb the bathroom doorframe.  My wife (Hello Heather!) can barely tolerate the constant projects with ingredients, notes and canisters populating our house.  So I will be aggressively de-cluttering the house, making new recipes and defiantly doing things a little differently. 
     So this entire train got started when I ran out of aftershave one evening and found a simple recipe for Bay RunAftershave.  Shortly after completing that I researched information on repairing a sagging doorframe.  Next I moved on to making liquid body wash; and then it was homemade chocolate sauce.  On and on it went discovering clever projects and easy ways to make household products, meals, desserts and improvements in the home.

From "love2learn2day"
     Another piece that nudged me toward this blog was when I began looking for a simple laundry soap recipe amd ran in to some issues with measurements.  There were plenty of simple recipes but they did not fit my needs.  There were different measurements that did not coincide; some used a ½ bar of soap and others used 1 cup of soap flakes.  On top of that was the problem of batch size and converting gallons and pints down to a manageable volume.

     After doing some calculations I was able to prepare the laundry soap and test the product.  Although I struggled finding a recipe and editing it to fit my needs, I found it rewarding and the process made me wondered if anyone else experienced a similar frustration.  So I will be posting about the projects I undertake, including recipes, pictures and the interesting outcomes.
     Check back soon for new projects, pictures and stories…

Next Time on “Doin’ Sh*t With Pat”: Basic Body Wash for Men